Having established that as my general image, I have decided to run for president of my pharmacy class. I give a brief speech tomorrow. The speech aspect doesn't worry me; I don't have that phobia. What worries me is that there are about half a dozen candidates, and those who I know are well-qualified. If I don't win the election, I won't be upset by it, but I would like the opportunity to serve my class. I like that the position is defined as a liaison between the students and the faculty, and between the students and the student council. That means that the biggest requirement of the job is listening to my fellow students and bringing their input back to council meetings. I like the sound of that, and it's something I'd be pretty good at.
I also think I have the right background for the position. I'm 26, and the average age of the class is 26. I'm only five years removed from my undergrad work, and I went back for two more years of science classes that ended a year ago, so I can relate to anyone younger than me. On the other hand, I've been working for the past five years, am married, and have a kid, so I can also relate to most of the older students. I'm very approachable, and in conversation I prefer listening over speaking. I don't consider myself a leader, and yet I somehow always end up leading in whatever I do. In my senior year of college, I was the student advisory member to the faculty library committee, and in my junior year I was editor-in-chief of the school paper, so I've worked with both students and faculty. I have absolutely no agenda of my own; my entire goal in seeking this position is to bring the ideas and opinions of my class to the table. Plus, I have a sweet softball coach mustache. So, wish my luck tomorrow. The worst that can happen is that I won't get it and I'll have one fewer commitment in my life, which would really not be so bad.
In other news, my wife had a job interview that looks really promising, and we have a buyer who is "very interested" in our house. He may make an offer this weekend. If both of those came through for us, I might be able to stop working at the casino, and that would be just fine by me. Thanks for reading, and come back soon. And if you're a member of the CU SOP class of 2013, vote for me, too!
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