Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cruising through the summer

Well, things have quieted down a little for me. I only work two days at Kaiser this week, including tomorrow. That's left me with time to see friends and extended family. Tonight I went to the Rockies game, which they won. It seems like their offense is finally getting it going, which they'll need if they're going to make a playoff push. That's not really my point here, though - it's that this summer has been extremely enjoyable, and relaxing, after a difficult push to the end of the semester. I'm working a ton, spending time with my family, sleeping enough, and generally not stressing out about school.

My son turns 2 on Monday. I think I'll write about that then.

Every shift I work at Kaiser makes me resent the casino job more. Don't get me wrong; it's still fun and I still like to do it. It's just very clear to me what I'm meant to be doing for the rest of my life, and it certainly isn't dealing cards. Getting a taste of a more respectable profession is just making me yearn for the day when I can finally quit the job that was never supposed to be a career, but was very quickly becoming one.

At the end of the month, my cousin is getting married. She lives in Milwaukee, where my grandmother does, too. I'm excited for that trip because she's never met Xander, even though she's spoiled him rotten. I can't wait for that meeting.

Unfortunately, I haven't got a lot of news to report. I was going to try to work on some non-time-sensitive entries (along the lines of the one I made last week) on various topics that interest me, so I can go to those when I have a slow week like this one. Maybe I can put out one of those on Monday.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Love your blogs, Nathan. Thanks for the mention in your most recent.♥