Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm back

I was going to stop posting, but then a friend told me he had been checking for new posts and hadn't seen them. So a quick update:

I passed everything in the fall semester, even though I didn't go to class for two weeks after Felix was born. My grades weren't super, but I finished strong and now the spring semester is winding down. I'm totally exhausted most of the time, and I'm going to be very happy if I can pull a C in each of my classes. This semester, I participated in two electives, which was ill-advised. It's going to make next spring easier, because that's the time that electives are scheduled into the curriculum. The third year spring is dominated by the Comprehensive Patient Care course, which is a 9-credit-hour capstone course that combines everything we've learned throughout the curriculum. It's entirely different from everything up to that point, and many students struggle mightily with it. Having those electives out of the way will let me focus on that.

Both boys are healthy and adorable. Felix eats well, although we did have to put him on Prevacid to help with some GERD. It's been my experience that second-time parenting is about a hundred times easier. There are a lot fewer surprises. I also love learning more and more about his personality. It's amazing, but with the same parents our two boys are already obviously different from each other. Xander seems to be really kinetic. He likes to dance to music of any kind. Felix, on the other hand, likes to sing along. Jaime will sing to him, and he'll make little baby singing sounds back - in key! He's also amazingly even cuter than Xander was at that age.

That's a lot of update in just a few words. I'll be back within the week with some more content, but I wanted to get something out there while I had the chance. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

TheRoots JrHigh said...

YEAH! We've been checking for new posts, too! We like keeping up with your crazy life, and we love seeing pictures of your adorable sons. Keep writing (when you have time!). We will keep reading.
Tio Kyle y Tia Nicole