Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's still probably pertussis

I wanted to give everybody an update on Felix. I didn't want to do it sooner in case he fell victim to the Buffalo Pharmer curse, but it really looks like he's going to be OK at this point. We've been out of the hospital for six days, and each day in which hospitalization is not necessary improves his chances. He's still sick, but now it looks like a baby normally would when sick, instead of the constant, heart-breaking coughing. We never got the pertussis culture back, so we don't know for sure if he has that.

Xander got the same thing Felix had, but RSV is a total monster in infants so in Xander it didn't really seem to slow him down. He slept a little more, coughed a lot, and had a runny nose. At this point, I'm thankful that not only did we stay out of the hospital, I didn't have to miss any work and only skipped one day of classes. Things could have been so much worse.

The outpouring of support from friends and family was incredible. Thank you to everyone who included us in your thoughts, prayers, pagan sacrifices, or whatever. It obviously made a difference; Felix stayed out of the hospital simply by the grace of God.

Unless one of the boys takes a turn for the worse, I should resume regular posts next week. Thanks for stopping by.


HoSs9009 said...

I'll be praying.

Jax's said...

I am glad to hear he is doing better.